Check out how fire creates a mosaic on the Okanogan Country Landscape
Okanogan Country fire shaped landscape map
Every year adds a new layer to the map of our Okanogan Country landscape. Constantly changing the forests in a mosaic pattern, fire is apart of our land and our history.
Also find on the map - Fire Lookouts! The stark beauty and sweeping views that can be seen from a fire lookout tower are beyond compare. Largely built in the early 1900s, fire lookout towers were placed on peaks high enough to afford clear views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, and the lookouts would scan for lightning strikes, smoke plumes, and any other indications of a possible fire.
Today, some of these lookouts are still standing, and Okanogan County is home to the most lookouts remaining today in Washington state, and many of them are a great hike to take on your next vacation. Discover the way fire shapes the landscape and visit these fire lookouts on your next adventure to Okanogan Country!