Burge Mountain

  • Burge Mountain
  • Burge Mountain
  • Burge Mountain
  • washington rock climbing
  • washington rock climbing
  • washington rock climbing
  • washington rock climbing
  • washington rock climbing
  • washington rock climbing
  • Burge Mountain 7
++------------------------- !!! ERROR !!! -------------------------++
Error Timestamp--> Sep-19-2024 03:22
Error Number-----> 2
Application ------> okanogancountry.com
Error Type--------> Warning
Error Msg---------> Undefined variable $website_mini_button
Offending Script--> /var/www/app/application/Venus/layouts/poi-front.php
Error Line--------> 599
HTTP Host---------> okanogancountry.com
Referring URL-----> HTTP_REFERER is EMPTY
Request URL-------> /poi/burge-mountain
Query String------> QUERY_STRING is EMPTY
Kookie Kontents --> HTTP_COOKIE is EMPTY
Req Method--------> GET
Client Agent------> CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)
Client IP--------->
Stack Trace:
#0 /var/www/app/application/Venus/layouts/poi-front.php(599): Cevado\Errors\ErrorHandler->dealWithIt()
#1 /var/www/app/library/Template/MainParser.php(246): require('...')
#2 /var/www/app/application/Venus/Main.php(1214): Library\Template\MainParser->render()
#3 /var/www/app/application/Venus/Main.php(492): Application\Venus\Main->buildPage()
#4 /var/www/app/application/Core/Core.php(202): Application\Venus\Main->buildView()
#5 [internal function]: Application\Core\Core->__invoke()
#6 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Handlers/Strategies/RequestResponse.php(40): call_user_func()
#7 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Route.php(281): Slim\Handlers\Strategies\RequestResponse->__invoke()
#8 /var/www/app/library/bootstrapper.php(997): Slim\Route->__invoke()
#9 [internal function]: Closure->{closure}()
#10 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/DeferredCallable.php(57): call_user_func_array()
#11 [internal function]: Slim\DeferredCallable->__invoke()
#12 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(70): call_user_func()
#13 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(117): Slim\Route->Slim\{closure}()
#14 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Route.php(268): Slim\Route->callMiddlewareStack()
#15 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/App.php(503): Slim\Route->run()
#16 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/oscarotero/psr7-middlewares/src/Middleware/TrailingSlash.php(63): Slim\App->__invoke()
#17 [internal function]: Psr7Middlewares\Middleware\TrailingSlash->__invoke()
#18 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/DeferredCallable.php(57): call_user_func_array()
#19 [internal function]: Slim\DeferredCallable->__invoke()
#20 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(70): call_user_func()
#21 /var/www/app/library/bootstrapper.php(667): Slim\App->Slim\{closure}()
#22 [internal function]: Closure->{closure}()
#23 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/DeferredCallable.php(57): call_user_func_array()
#24 [internal function]: Slim\DeferredCallable->__invoke()
#25 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(70): call_user_func()
#26 /var/www/app/library/bootstrapper.php(754): Slim\App->Slim\{closure}()
#27 [internal function]: Closure->{closure}()
#28 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/DeferredCallable.php(57): call_user_func_array()
#29 [internal function]: Slim\DeferredCallable->__invoke()
#30 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(70): call_user_func()
#31 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(117): Slim\App->Slim\{closure}()
#32 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/App.php(392): Slim\App->callMiddlewareStack()
#33 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/App.php(297): Slim\App->process()
#34 /var/www/app/library/bootstrapper.php(1021): Slim\App->run()
#35 /var/www/html/index.php(8): require_once('...')
#36 {main}
++------------------------- !!! ERROR !!! -------------------------++

Provided by: Okanogan Country

Burge Mtn is about 13 and a half miles up from Tonasket (from Hwy 97) along the Havillah Rd. Turn right onto the gravel surfaced North Siwash Creek Rd after 12 miles on the Havillah Rd., and follow for 1.5 miles (don't turn left at the first road marked "Burge Mtn Rd"). Park along the West side of the road (when the cliffs are visible on the left) and cross the fence at the pass-through stile to approach the cliffs (Forest Service land). 

The Lower Western Front is the first cliff visible from the road (about a 5 minute approach hike). The other crags are further along the trail to the east. Elevation at the parking area is 3300' and at base of the cliffs ranges between 3350' and 3650'. The rock is gneiss, and while great when cleaned, it can be brittle and/or loose in some areas, with lots of loose debris on surrounding ledges (so helmets are recommended). One remarkable thing about Burge is the lack of rattle snakes... 

Generally the prevailing ethic at Burge is modern and less old school than at any other crag in the North Okanogan - some climbs are more traditional with gear expected to be used if there is a good placement, but there are also many more gym-like routes with lots of bolts placed even where gear would do, so either way, most routes can be climbed safely despite the sometimes questionable rock. 

All the sub-crags at Burge have at least a good route or two worth doing, but not all have easy access. For a comparison - especially if you're traveling with small children; 

EASY (short approach with relatively flat bases) - The Green Wall, Lower Western Front, The Jungle Gym. 

MODERATE (boulder field approach, mostly flat bases) - Little Pine Rock, The Main Wall, Thailand Training Wall, Middle Earth, Raptor Wall. 

DIFFICULT (long approach and/or some scrambling required to sometimes uneven bases) - Upper Western Front, The Ledge, North Canyon and Upper SE, S & SW Faces


Address: Burge Mountain Rd, Tonasket, WA 98855