Methow River

++------------------------- !!! ERROR !!! -------------------------++
Error Timestamp--> Sep-14-2024 15:00
Error Number-----> 2
Application ------>
Error Type--------> Warning
Error Msg---------> Undefined variable $website_mini_button
Offending Script--> /var/www/app/application/Venus/layouts/poi-front.php
Error Line--------> 599
HTTP Host--------->
Referring URL-----> HTTP_REFERER is EMPTY
Request URL-------> /poi/methow-river
Query String------> QUERY_STRING is EMPTY
Kookie Kontents --> HTTP_COOKIE is EMPTY
Req Method--------> GET
Client Agent------> CCBot/2.0 (
Client IP--------->
Stack Trace:
#0 /var/www/app/application/Venus/layouts/poi-front.php(599): Cevado\Errors\ErrorHandler->dealWithIt()
#1 /var/www/app/library/Template/MainParser.php(246): require('...')
#2 /var/www/app/application/Venus/Main.php(1214): Library\Template\MainParser->render()
#3 /var/www/app/application/Venus/Main.php(492): Application\Venus\Main->buildPage()
#4 /var/www/app/application/Core/Core.php(202): Application\Venus\Main->buildView()
#5 [internal function]: Application\Core\Core->__invoke()
#6 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Handlers/Strategies/RequestResponse.php(40): call_user_func()
#7 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Route.php(281): Slim\Handlers\Strategies\RequestResponse->__invoke()
#8 /var/www/app/library/bootstrapper.php(997): Slim\Route->__invoke()
#9 [internal function]: Closure->{closure}()
#10 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/DeferredCallable.php(57): call_user_func_array()
#11 [internal function]: Slim\DeferredCallable->__invoke()
#12 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(70): call_user_func()
#13 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(117): Slim\Route->Slim\{closure}()
#14 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Route.php(268): Slim\Route->callMiddlewareStack()
#15 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/App.php(503): Slim\Route->run()
#16 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/oscarotero/psr7-middlewares/src/Middleware/TrailingSlash.php(63): Slim\App->__invoke()
#17 [internal function]: Psr7Middlewares\Middleware\TrailingSlash->__invoke()
#18 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/DeferredCallable.php(57): call_user_func_array()
#19 [internal function]: Slim\DeferredCallable->__invoke()
#20 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(70): call_user_func()
#21 /var/www/app/library/bootstrapper.php(667): Slim\App->Slim\{closure}()
#22 [internal function]: Closure->{closure}()
#23 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/DeferredCallable.php(57): call_user_func_array()
#24 [internal function]: Slim\DeferredCallable->__invoke()
#25 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(70): call_user_func()
#26 /var/www/app/library/bootstrapper.php(754): Slim\App->Slim\{closure}()
#27 [internal function]: Closure->{closure}()
#28 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/DeferredCallable.php(57): call_user_func_array()
#29 [internal function]: Slim\DeferredCallable->__invoke()
#30 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(70): call_user_func()
#31 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareAwareTrait.php(117): Slim\App->Slim\{closure}()
#32 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/App.php(392): Slim\App->callMiddlewareStack()
#33 /var/www/app/plugins/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/App.php(297): Slim\App->process()
#34 /var/www/app/library/bootstrapper.php(1021): Slim\App->run()
#35 /var/www/html/index.php(8): require_once('...')
#36 {main}
++------------------------- !!! ERROR !!! -------------------------++

Provided by: Okanogan Country

The beautiful Methow River is a tributary of the Columbia River. It flows east of the North Cascades down to the Methow Valley where the National Forest surrounds it. 

I have often written that if there is a river in heaven it must be the Methow.  Wandering over 80 miles through the scenic valley it has the classic bends and riffles that make anglers’ mouths water, and for good reason.  The water not only looks good it is full of a variety of game fish.  When the spring run off settles down, the fishing for big rainbow and cutthroat is outstanding, and it lasts clear through the summer.  Spring salmon are now appearing in the river in good enough numbers to allow fishing for them in the May or June time frame. In the fall it is known for some of the best steelhead fishing in the state.  It attracts anglers, particularly fly fishers, from all over the country.  It also offers excellent water for those who like to catch steelhead on a bobber and jig.  Another game fish is showing up on the scene in the fall, and these are coho salmon.  These are caught during the steelhead season, when they appear in good numbers, by anglers twitching jigs.   The Methow River joins the Columbia River at Pateros.  Fishing for steelhead in the estuary can be very good during the late fall and winter months. The fishing seasons for spring salmon, steelhead and coho are announced through emergency regulations by the WDFW and anglers need to look for these announcements through the WDFW web site.  The trout seasons are detailed in the WDFW Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet.  There are several WDFW boat launches and take outs on the Methow River.  There are many resorts, motels and campgrounds along the length of the Methow from the mouth to Mazama.