Habitat: They can most commonly be found in open, coniferous fields and steppe habitats. In the winter they expand their terrain to a variety of semi-open areas including farmlands.
Diet: During the warmer months the Western Bluebird primarily consumes insects. During the winter, berries and small fruit are incorporated into their diet.
Nesting & Breeding: Bluebirds are cavity nesters. They are often spotted nesting in old woodpecker holes and man-made nest boxes. Females build the nest, sometimes with the help of the male. The nest consists of a loose lining of twigs, leaves and other plant material. Males arrive at the breeding grounds before the females, and defend the nesting territory by singing. The female then incubates her eggs (generally 4-6) while the male provides her meals. Once the eggs have hatched, the mother will stay with the young while the male continues to bring food. The young fledge the nest around 2 to 3 weeks of age.