Getting ready for Spring in Okanogan Country!

Getting ready for Spring in okanogan country!

Getting Ready for Spring!
The snow is melting and Spring will be upon us soon. In Okanogan Country this time of year is one of the best. Hiking is becoming more accessible with the snow melt, it is not warm enough to worry about rattlesnakes yet and the days are getting longer.
While it still may be winter conditions, it does not mean you can't get prepared for Spring at the end of the month. This is the time of year to plant native flowers, and get your garden beds ready. By preparing them now you will ensure that they will be ready for Springtime for animals to enjoy and the local ecosystem.
Warmer weather at the end of the month and beginning of April should be perfect for preparing the soil and beds. Start by removing all the winter debris like twigs, branches and leaves from the soil. Remove the top layer of soil and add more top soil and mulch for much needed nutrition after a long winter.
Get a head start on Spring and Summer veggies by purchasing some seed starter pots at your local hardware store or nursery. If you're using seeds, simply add them to a wet paper towel in a window for a few days and wait for a sprout to form. Then plant them in the starter pots and set them in the sunny spot until it is warm enough to transfer to your outside beds or pots.
It is important to plant native wildflowers not only because it helps the bees pollinate, but it also helps stop the spread of noxious weeds or flowers that are taking over precious resources for the local fauna.
One of our favorites this time of year is the Oregon Sunshine flower.
Some native wildlife flowers in the Okanogan can be found
in this wildflower guide for Eastern WA.

Free Winter Recreation Map!
Okanogan Country has an incredible number of winter recreation opportunities. Order a FREE Winter Recreation map and find your winter adventure in Okanogan Country today!