Let's Get Fat Biking! With Methow Trails
Let's Get Fat Biking!
With Methow Trails

It's Snowing! You know what that means...
It's time to go Fat Biking!
Fat bikes are specially-made bicycles that accommodate ultra-wide tires which can be run at very low pressure. The combination of very wide tires and less than ten pounds of pressure allows fat bikes to roll over soft, slippery surfaces like snow.
Fat bikes are one of the fastest-growing segments of the bicycle industry. They provide a great way for cyclists to stay in shape during the winter season.
Simply bundle up like you would for skiing and get out and ride! No waxing required, and for the passionate cross-country skier, it provides another way to cross-train.
Free Winter Recreation Map!
Okanogan Country has an incredible number of winter recreation opportunities. Order a FREE Winter Recreation map and find your winter adventure in Okanogan Country today!